A Simple Online Job that You can Do at Home and Make Extra Money

A Simple Online Job that You can Do at Home and Make Extra Money

Finding a real online job isn’t easy. There are plenty of Internet job offers but the majority of them aren’t actually real online jobs. Many of them simply charge you a one-time fee to get started but once you have paid, you’ll find that you aren’t actually getting any online job. They just send you some useless information and instructions that waste your time and effort if you follow them.

So, is there any real online job that anyone can apply for and start working?

Well, the good news is yes, there are some real online jobs that pay like SEO company. Cha Cha guide is one of a good example of a real online job.

Cha Cha has been around for quite a long time. It is a question-and-answer site that similar to Yahoo! Answer but people who answer questions in Cha Cha are getting paid. People who answer questions are known as Cha Cha guides. Every day, Cha Cha guide will receive loads of questions that they can choose to accept and answer them. They will make money for each question that they answer correctly.

Anyone who is a US resident and 18 years old or above can apply to become a Cha Cha guide. When you apply to become a Cha Cha guide, you’ll need to go through some videos first and then you will be asked to take a stimulation test. The test is a set of sample questions from users where you need to answer all of them. You can find the answers from Google to complete all the questions. The purpose of the test is to measure your ability to answer timed questions, the speed of providing answers, accuracy, and spelling and grammar.

If you pass the test, Cha Cha will reply to you informing you that you are accepted as a Cha Cha guide. As a Cha Cha guide, you will be responsible to answers users’ questions. There will be a lot of questions sent to you daily. So make sure you turn your computer on for long hours every day. Each question that you answer will earn you anywhere from $0.02 to $0.20. There are also contests you can enter to earn bonuses that will add up your earnings.

To make some nice extra cash from Cha Cha, you need to be able to answer questions at a face pace. It is certainly possible to answer questions quickly in Cha Cha since most answers can be easily found on Google and other search engines. The faster you answer the questions, the quicker your earnings will add up. Many Cha Cha guides have reported that they are able to answer hundreds of questions every hour and make between $2 and $4 per hour. No bad to those who want an extra income source huh?

Obviously, there is no special skill required for this job. But it does require work to make money in Cha Cha. If you can spend a few hours daily answering questions in Cha Cha and also take advantage of the contests, then you could potentially make a few hundred dollars a month.

Cha Cha is offering legitimate online job opportunity and you don’t need to pay anything to join Cha Cha. Just pass the test and you can start working in Cha Cha and get paid.

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Hudson Ritchard

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